In this Azure DevOps and Terraform blog, we will set up a self-hosted agent to deploy Terraform infrastructure.
Azure DevOps
When to Use Azure DevOps or GitHub
In the world of software development, having the right tools can make all the difference.
Use Azure Pipelines to Deploy IIS Server
The following blog post will show you an Azure Pipeline that deploys an application to an IIS Website hosted on a virtual machine.
Connect Azure DevOps to External Azure Tenant
This post will show how to connect Azure DevOps pipelines to an external Azure Tenant and deploy resources.
How To Change Azure DevOps Repo Default Branch
This Microsoft Azure DevOps blog post will show how to set a default branch in a repository.
Install Azure DevOps CLI
Azure DevOps CLI allows us to create, manage and delete objects and resources inside an Azure DevOps tenant.
Pass Variables to ARM Templates Using Azure DevOps Pipeline
This Azure DevOps Pipelines blog post will show you how to pass variables to an ARM template.
How to Reset Your Azure DevOps Repository Password
This blog post will show you how to reset your Azure DevOps repository password. This is an important task that should be done periodically to ensure the security of your account.
How to Add a Feature Branch to Your Azure DevOps Pipeline
Do you want to add a Feature Branch to your Azure DevOps Pipeline? This blog post will show you how! Feature Branches allow you to isolate changes and experiment with new code without affecting the main branch.
How to Disable Azure DevOps Pipeline Temporarily
If you have problems with your Azure DevOps pipeline or need to disable it temporarily, there is a way to do this.
How to Check Azure DevOps Pipeline Duration
Are you curious about the duration of your Azure DevOps pipeline? Maybe you’re not sure if it’s running as efficiently as it could be.
Build and Push Image to ACR with Azure DevOps
Azure Pipelines is a DevOps service in Azure that enables you to create a continuous integration and deployment pipeline for your applications. You can use Azure Pipelines to automatically build, test, and deploy your code changes by integrating with popular development tools such as GitHub and Visual Studio.