List All Azure Regions Using PowerShell

In this Microsoft Azure Az PowerShell blog post, we will show how to list all Azure regions using PowerShell

Azure regions are a fundamental aspect of Microsoft Azure’s global infrastructure, designed to deliver a wide range of cloud services to users worldwide.

Each Azure region is a set of data centers deployed within a latency-defined perimeter and connected through a dedicated regional low-latency network.

This geographical distribution of data centers helps ensure that Azure services are highly available, resilient, and scalable. Importantly, it also allows customers to meet their local data residency requirements by providing the option to store data in specific regions.

As of now, Azure spans numerous regions across the globe, each offering multiple services, including compute, storage, and networking capabilities, thereby supporting both broad and localized compliance with regulations and standards.

Az PowerShell

This post will use the Microsoft Az PowerShell module, which runs on PowerShell and is available on Windows, Linux, and macOS. If you don’t have the module installed on your host, install it.


As of writing these lines, Microsoft Azure’s global network of regions has 42 locations available for deployment at any given moment.

List All Azure Regions Using PowerShell

To list all the Azure regions, first log into Azure using the following command. (Note: If you are on macOS or Linux, run pwsh to start PowerShell).

To list all the available regions, run the following command.

Get-AzLocation | select displayname,location

The full output is listed below. If you need to use a region, a PowerShell script or Terraform configuration, use the name in the location column.

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