An Overview Of Ansible Error Handling

An Ansible error handling framework is a great way to deal with Ansible errors. Ansible is a powerful tool that can be used for many purposes, but it does have its limitations.

Ansible Error Handling helps make sure your Ansible scripts are running smoothly and efficiently by providing you with the right tools for the job. In this post, we will review some of those tools as well as how they work together to provide an easy-to-use solution for Ansible Errors!

One of the most important aspects of Ansible Error Handling is the ability to catch errors. This can be done by using a try-catch block, which will allow you to handle any errors that may occur. In addition, Ansible provides several other error handling features that can be used to help debug and troubleshoot your scripts.


Ansible’s default error handling framework, which can be used to handle any number of exceptions and errors that may occur in Ansible scripts. This Ansible feature is a built-in part of the Ansible module library known as Ansible. By default, Ansible will print any errors that occur to the console.

The below playbook example uses ignore_errors flag set to true. when the tasks fail instead of stoping the playbook it will continue to run the next task.

- hosts: localhost
    - name: Copy files
          src: /test/test
          dest: /test2/test
      ignore_errors: true