The Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Platform is a very powerful and cost-effective way to host your company’s data. But you don’t have to break the bank paying for it. In this blog post, we will talk about five ways how you can save money on the Microsoft Azure platform!
Auto Shut Down Virtual Machines on Microsoft Azure
You can save money by powering down your virtual machines when they are not being used. This is easy to do if you have a small number of VMs, but it becomes more complex as the number of VMs increases. You should also consider what happens in case one VM relies on another for data or other resources. The Microsoft Azure Auto Shut Down feature automatically powers down a virtual machine when it’s not being used.
Your testing VMs don’t need to be on 24 hours a day and on weekends. Using Azure automation you could schedule shutdown and powering of VMs so there is no need to run them if there is no real need.
Delete Unused Azure Virtual Machines, Disks and Resources
You can also save money by deleting virtual machines or disks that are no longer needed. You should always delete any resources you don’t intend to use, but be sure to avoid deleting important business information in the process. It’s possible for Microsoft Azure to retain your deleted data even after it has been removed from a disk if there is still space available on the disk.
Just remember that an unused premium SSD disk on Azure can cost $100 a month the same unused databases and more services.
Use Pay-As-You-Go Services Compared To Always-On Services
.If you need to run a few Docker containers in Azure there is no need to deploy an AKS cluster that cost $500 a month. Azure Container Instances will deploy a container for you and charge per second a fraction of the amount of running an AKS cluster.
Earlier this year Azure release services like SQL pay-as-you-go compared to running a dedicated SQL server. Take advantage of them unless you have a good reason.
Don’t cross-region resources and save network costs
Network traffic between Azure region cost money, many people don’t know it and deploy resources in different regions without a good reason. Network traffic in the same Azure region cost nothing however putting one server in US West and another in US East and copy data between them will cost you money.
Make sure you keep your resources in the same region and take advantage of having a better performance and save money at the same time.
Check The Azure Cost Calculator before deploying
As a way to save money on the Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing platform, you should use a cost calculator before deploying. Doing so will help you to estimate the costs of your deployment. I have seen way too many clients scratching their heads about Azure cost after the project is finished and in production simply because they didn’t check how much things are costing.
In large projects, it is almost impossible to reduce cost without redesigning the solution which cost lots of money and involves risk and downtime. Don’t get caught in this simple action.