Connect To Exchange Online PowerShell Using Cloud Shell

In this blog post, I will show you how to connect to Microsoft 365 Exchange Online PowerShell using Cloud Shell.

Exchange Online PowerShell module is available as a PowerShell module where you can download it and install it on your local machine and connect. Azure Cloud Shell allows us to use Exchange Online PowerShell from our browser without worrying about installing the module.


If you are using Microsft 365 admin center, you can start Cloud Shell from the admin center by clicking on Cloud Shell icon on the top right corner and as shown below.

Once you start Cloud Shell enter the following command to connect to Exchange Online.


Once you are connected you can run any Exchange Online command.

To get a list of all the available commands, you run the following command with the name of the module that will appear on the screen as shown below. Just note that the module name will be different every time.

get-command -Module tmp_ciywdwfk.a1i


