Calculate Days Since X Date With PowerShell

In this blog post, I will show you how to calculate how many days have passed between two dates in PowerShell.

Code #1

The first code piece will calculate days since a specific date to today’s date:

Simply change the date next to $start date and run the code.

$startdate = '06-07-2020'
$today = get-date
$x = New-TimeSpan -Start $startdate -End $today
"$($x.days) $("days have passed since") $($startdate)"

Code #2

The second code takes two dates and calculates the difference between them as follow.

simply, change the two values in the top two rows and run the code.

$startdate = '06-07-2020'
$today = "28/7/2020"
$x = New-TimeSpan -Start $startdate -End $today
"$($x.days) $("days have passed since") $($startdate)"