Following my series about Active Directory PowerShell Module today I’ll show you a PowerShell script that will add an SMTP Proxy address to all users In a specific OU based on their firstName And LastName.
In the example below I’m adding a primary SMTP address based on Firstname.Lastname@test.local to all the users In the DEV OU.
Get-ADUser -Filter 'Name -like "*"' -SearchBase 'OU=dev,DC=test,DC=local' -Properties * | % {Set-ADUser $_ -add @{proxyAddresses="SMTP:"+ $_.GivenName + '.' + $_.Surname +"@test.local"}}
The line below will just show the Proxy Address of all users with Title “Nano Admin”
Get-ADUser -Filter 'Title -like "Nano Admin"' -Properties * | select name,proxyAddresses