Create An SMB File Share On a Windows Nano Server 2016

Yesterday, I completed my File Server Role deployment on Windows Nano Server 2016 and today I’ll deploy my first SMB File Share using PowerShell.

Using Nano Server as a File Server can benefit your Organization or Business In many areas like Security (No GUI and less attack surface), Management (fewer reboots and less patching) and a tiny deployment (400MB In size.

If you haven’t setup your Nano Server use my article on how Install And Run Nano Server Technical Preview 5.

Once your Nano Server Is Configured, Connect to It using PowerShell Or PowerShell Direct:

To create and manage an SMB Shares I’ll use the SMBShare PowerShell Module, to see all available cmdlets In the module type:

Get-command -module smbshare

To create an SMB share I’ll connect to my Nano Server and create a directory using my C:\ drive using the cmdlet:

New-Item -Type Directory MyShare

To create the SMB Share I use:

New-SmbShare –Name MyData –Path C:\MyData -FullAccess Administrator

To view the share all I have to do Is browse to the server share using \\servernameorip\myShare

To view all active sessions connected to the new SMB Share I type:


Below, You will find the most common steps needed to configure Window Nano Server 2016.

Please visit our Nano Server 2016 page for more than 80+ articles about Nano Server.





One response to “Create An SMB File Share On a Windows Nano Server 2016”

  1. wingman1487 Avatar

    Have you been able to map these shares on a Unix system? Having problems getting them to map on my Debian build to the Nano Server shares (2012 R2 works fine). Have a question over on StackOverflow about the same.