Check Hybrid Azure AD Joined Status With DSREGCMD

In this blog post, we’ll explore what the dsregcmd command is, how it works, and how it can be used to manage device registration in Azure AD.

The DSREGCMD Command

The dsregcmd command is a powerful tool in Windows operating systems that is used to manage device registration in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). It allows administrators to manage device registration and perform other important tasks related to Azure AD.

After a machine is joined to Azure AD normally or using Hybrid AD Joined, the command will be available and allow an administrator to check the registration status.

Check Status

To check the status of a device, run the following command as a normal user and not as an administrator.

dsregcmd /status

The output will show the status of the machine.

If the machined is Azure AD Joined, it will YES next to AzureADJoined.

If the machine is Hybrid AD Joined, it will show YES for both AzureADJoined and for DomainJoined.

The output below shows what Azure AD joined looks like.

| Device State                                                         |

             AzureAdJoined : YES
          EnterpriseJoined : NO
              DomainJoined : NO

The output below shows an Azure Hybrid AD Joined machine.

 Device State                                                         |

             AzureAdJoined : YES
          EnterpriseJoined : NO
              DomainJoined : YES

When a device is joined to Azure AD, it becomes a trusted device, and users can sign in to their devices using their Azure AD credentials. This makes it easy for administrators to manage access to corporate resources and secure user identities.

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