Make a Self-Signed Certificate Trusted On Windows

In this blog post, I will show you how to make a self-signed certificate trusted on a local Windows 10 or Windows Server machine.

Last week, I blogged about how to create a self-signed certificate using PowerShell, and now I will show you how to make it trusted, which means it will not give an error message in the browser.

Expert Certificate

The first step we need to take is to export the self-signed certificate using the Certificates MMC, as shown below.

Expand Certificates for the current user -> Personal -> Certificates.

Find the self-signed certificate, right-click on it and click on Export. When you export the certificate, export it as a PFX file and set a password, which we will use to import it.

As you can see below, I have my PFX certificate.

Import Certificate

To make the certificate trusted, we need to import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities, as shown below. So go ahead and expand it and click on Certificates.

Right-click on Certificates, select All Tasks and click Import. Find the exported certificate and import it.

After the certificate has been imported, you can use it without receiving an error message that the certificate is not trusted.

Success! You're on the list.





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  1. […] See Make a Self-Signed Certificate Trusted On Windows […]