Step By Step: Install And Configure Windows Containers And Docker on Windows Server 2016 TP5

In this article I’ll show you how I create a Container Host running Windows Containers using Docker on Hyper-V.

This article will utilize all the latest technologies I have been covering In last few months like:

Windows Server 2016, Nano Server, Docker, Windows Containers and Hyper-V.

In order to completed this successfully I’m using an TP5 Server with Hyper-V , Nested virtualization and TP5 VM as a Container Host.

To get started, from your Container Host Install Hyper-V

Get-windowsfeature hype* | install-windowsfeature

Next Install Windows Containers role:

Install-windowsfeature containers

Install package provier In order to be able to download Containers Images

Install-packegeprovider containerimage -force


Install Windows Server 2016 Core Image.

Note: You can’t run Nano Server Container on a Windows Server 2016 Container Host.

To run Nano Server as Container you will need to run Nano Server as the container host which I’ll soon.

Install-containerimage -name WindowsServerCore

To confirm that the Installation Is successful run:


Docker Install

To Install Docker run:

Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile update-containerhost.ps1


Next we need to Tag out Docker Image to be the latest using the line below (make sure you change the Image ID)

Docker images

Docker tag 7e15f95e69f7 windowsservercore:latest

Run Windows Container

Docker run -it windossservercore cmd